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Leserbilder Astronomie: Horsehead Nebula and Flame Nebula

The Horsehead Nebula and the Flame Nebula are part of the Orion molecular nebula complex. Located in the constellation Orion, Horsehead is a dark nebula. The darkness of the nebula is mainly caused by dense dust, although the lower part of the »neck« casts a shadow on the left. The flows of gas leaving the nebula are channeled by a strong magnetic field. Light from the Horsehead Nebula takes about 1,500 years to reach Earth. The Flame Nebula is made up of a large H II region visible just east of the bright star Alnitak; its main physical characteristic, which also gives it its name, is a large dark band of dust that crosses it from north to south, progressively widening and giving the bright part of the nebula a flame shape. (source wikipedia)

Shooting date: 11/18/2023
Mount: iOptron CEM 25p
Telescope: Tecnosky 72APO 72/432mm f/6
Acquisition chamber: ZWO ASI1600M Pro - Temp -15°C
Telescope/guide camera: Guidescope 60/240mm
Exposures: 35x300 Ha, 35x300 Oiii, 35x300 Sii - Gain 139 Offset 50
Accessories: TS 1X flattener - Pegasus Focuser CubeV2 electronic focuser - Pegasus Power Advance - ZWO EFW 8x1 1.25 Filter Wheel - Antlia pro S H O filters
Calibration: Dark and flat to taste. (just enough)
Acquisition software: N.I.N.A.
Self-driving software: PHD2
Processing software: PixInsight (SHO method), Photoshop CC 2024
Filming location: CODAS observation center (S.P.14) Syracuse - Bortle 4

Daten zum Bild

ObjektHorsehead Nebula and Flame Nebula
OrtSiracusa (Italy)
Zeitpunkt 18.11.2023 22:30
KameraZWO ASI1600M Pro
Teleskop/Objektiv Tecnosky 72APO 72/432mm f/6
Montierung iOptron CEM 25p
Belichtungszeit35 x 300 s H-alpha, 35 x 300 s OIII, 35 x 300 s SII
NachbearbeitungPixInsight, Photoshop CC 2024
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